Celia Bernal presents the name of her musical project under the name of The Slaughter Daughter. The Barcelonan singer-songwriter introduces us to her agonizing conceptual universe through an impressive teaser directed by Tsune Martínez.
In it, the creative tandem made up of The Slaughter Daughter and Tsune Martínez emphasizes the idea of collective suffering from a gender and mental health perspective, revealing feelings of weariness, impotence and socially internalized anger. Its intimate visual language and its captivating surround sound underline the struggle both within and towards the rest of the world.
Directed by: Tsune Martínez
Art Director: Ariadna Miró
Art Director assistant: Guilli Pové
DOP: Mireia P. Maya
Handycam: Mayté Pardo
Production: Rachel Demetz & Fernando Acero
Editor and Grading: Tsune Martínez
Cast: NANA LOVV, Judit K., Lys Morke, Rachel Demetz, MC Celia Bernal